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Camping and Hiking Guide - Your Guide to Outdoor Recreation

Here are some suggestions and tips if you're the person who loves or would simply want to take up camping, hiking, trekking, backpacking or just walking.

Hiking Shoes And Thin Socks - A Backpacking Winner

Hiking shoes versus hiking boots? Hiking shoes win. Okay, next issue? No, really. Hiking or running shoes are better for most backpacking trips, at least during late spring, summer and early fall. Boots are heavy, hot, stinky, and stay wet forever. A pound on your feet is like five on your back (some say six), so three-pound boots leave you much more tired at the end of the day.

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Planning an event - When it comes to event planning, there are some things that you will need to consider in advance.

Blackjack Card Counting Part I - The first time I heard of card counting, now many years ago, I distinctly remember how I reacted, and it wasn't a reaction of love and acceptance.

How the Ladies Can Play Bowling - There is something that I would like to recommend for the ladies compared to the gents the way they should play the game.



Camping At The Beach Can Be Great Fun For The Entire Family

Most people think about the mountains or forests for camping. However, camping on the beach can be a great alternative. The sand and water provide plenty of activities for summertime fun. This can be a great bonding experience for the entire family.

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Trekking Poles And Hiking Staffs

Are walking sticks longer than trekking poles? What about hiking staffs and hiking sticks? Whatever you call them, and whatever their differences, they are supposed to help your knees more than anything. This they do very well, at least when you're going downhill.

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